Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Projects | Voting | WINNERS! Crafting w/the Stars Playalong Round 2 Upcycle

(yes, I said Winners *plural*)

drumroll please



keep scrolling
 Are you a Wallflowers
mightily crafting along 
with the Crafting with the Stars Superstars

Well, after you have linked up there
be sure to come back here
leave us a COMMENT with your bloglink to your project
on this post

And we'll add you to this feature post and to the poll.

You can vote for your fave projects here via the poll ---------->
or by leaving a comment on this post telling us your fave.

You have until Sunday, October 16 at 8 pm to vote.
Yes you can vote in the poll AND via comment
AND you can get your hubby, your granny and your mama to vote to.

Now to the eye candy!

Jen @ Northeast of Eden
did this awesome
Ugly Mit Fix
!!! WINNER !!!
did the most amazing job

got seasonal and practical with this
Cuffed Fall Wreath

!!! WINNER !!!

 Kim @ Re-POSh-ture
upcycled and awesome wool sweater
into an even more awesome purse


Lara @ The Lackadaisical Willow
not only made the coolest new shoes
she shows you HOW to do it.

And then there was me.
Keeping with the flow:


Bernadette @ B3 Home Designs
took something with absolutely no household use
and made it into a pretty something w/absolutely no household use
(Rocky Collection)

Traci @ All Things Luci Rae

on Luci Rae's Kitchen


Kim @ Re-POSh-ture
with that awesome purse

So what have you upcycled lately?
Link us to your blog post about it in the COMMENTS
and I'll add you to the poll and to this post.
**Edited to add: the poll and Round 2 projects are closed**
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Then stalk us already! 
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Promise not to stalk you back. Unless you want us to. 

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